Visa Fees
Visa Category |
Visa Fee in Tunisian Dinar |
Study |
297.590 TND |
Child between 6 to 12 years |
148.800 TND |
Minor < 6 years of age (6 years minus one day) |
Free visa fees |
Please Note:
- There is a BLS International service charge of 55.880 TND (Inclusive of VAT)
levied per application over and above the visa fees for the Applicants
submitting the Visa Application in Person
- All charges are to be paid in cash only in Tunisian Dinar as per the
current exchange rate and are subject to change periodically.
- All fees are non-refundable.
Travel Insurance is mandatory for travelling to Spain. You may get your
travel insurance from any authorized insurance company/agent or you may Click here if you wish to avail
it now from Europ Assistance.
For ease understanding and submission of document please refer to the checklist
Short stay visas (Schengen)
- The procedures and conditions for issuing these visas are set out in European
Parliament and Council Regulation (CE) No. 810/2009, which establishes a Community
Code on visas.
- The short stay visa application must be submitted on a duly completed application
form (original and copy), which can be downloaded free of charge from this web page
or can also be obtained free of charge from Spanish Diplomatic Missions or Consular
Offices abroad.
- The visa must be applied for either in person or through a duly accredited
representative in the Diplomatic Mission or Spanish Consular Office in the country
where the applicant legally resides. If there is no Diplomatic Mission or Consular
Office in a particular country, applicants can apply for the visa in the Diplomatic
Mission or Consular Office that represents Spain in that country.
- When submitting the visa application, the established fee must be paid (generally
€60). This fee is non-refundable and therefore will not be refunded if the visa
application is unsuccessful. Under certain circumstances applicants may be entitled
to a reduction or may be exempt from paying the fee. Please consult the Diplomatic
Missions or Spanish Consular Offices. For all other necessary requirements, please
consult the Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office where the visa application is
being made as these may vary according to the reason for the visit and the
applicant's country of origin.
- The maximum period for processing short stay (Schengen) visa applications is fifteen
calendar days from the date the application is submitted. This period can be
extended to a maximum of 30 calendar days in specific cases, especially if a more
detailed examination of the application is required. By way of exception, in
specific cases in which additional documentation is required, this period can be
extended to a maximum of 60 calendar days.
- If the visa is issued, it must be collected in person from the competent Diplomatic
Mission or Consular Office, or collected by a duly authorised representative, within
a period of one month from the date that notification is given of the award.
- If the visa application is unsuccessful, the applicant will be notified via a
standard form stating the reason the visa was refused. In this case, the applicant
can file a judicial review appeal before the High Court in Madrid within a period of
two months from the notification date or optionally, an appeal for review before the
Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office within one month from the notification date.
In addition, when travelling for tourism / private trips:
Presentation of any of the following types of documentation may be required:
- Substantiating documentation of accommodation reservation, or private letter of
invitation from a private individual if staying in their dwelling, issued in
compliance with Order PRE/1283/2007, of May 10, which establishes the terms and
conditions for the issuing of a letter of invitation by private individuals in
favour of foreigners who are interested in entering the country for tourism or
private reasons The letter of invitation does not under any circumstances exempt the
foreigner from any of the other requirements for entry into Spain.
- Proof of confirmation of the reservation of an organized trip with itinerary.
- Closed round-trip or tour ticket.
For the accreditation of economic means, foreigners must adhere to the requirements
set out in Order PRE/1282/2007 of May 10, which establishes the economic means that
foreigners wishing to enter Spanish territory must prove that they have at their
disposal. This currently stands at 95 euros per day per person, and in all cases a
total minimum of 950 euros per person.
Applicants must submit your Application form with the new photo format, as explained below:

- The photo must fulfill the norm specified by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).
- Use plain light-coloured background.
- The photo must be no more than 6-months old.
- Not tilted picture (portrait style) showing both edges of face clearly.
- Close up of the head and top of the shoulders so that the face takes up 70–80% of the photograph.
- Photo in sharp focus and clear.
Photo Size
The photo for each visa applicant submitted must measure:
- The picture dimensions must be 240 pixels wide by 320 pixels high at least. A smaller picture will be rejected.
For instance, a photo being 235 pixels by 320 pixels is not valid.
- On the other hand, the photo should keep a proportion of 3 x 4 (width x height) within limits. However, 250 x
340 pixels picture would be valid, but not a 290 x 340 pixels one.
- Finally, the image weight (size in Kbytes) can never be bigger than 120 Kbytes.
- An image resolution is measured in DPI (dots per inch) and it's mainly used to control printing quality.
Therefore, higher resolution means better printing quality.
- Photos resolution should be 300 dpi, so, when you scan the image, check this parameter carefully. However, bear
in mind that the higher the resolution, the bigger the picture.
- The only image format accepted is JPEG (Join Photograph Expert Grup Format). The other image formats such as
BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, etc. will be rejected (a warning will be shown).
Attaching the Photo to the Application form
- Glue one photograph to the application form in the designated space.
Note: If children are traveling with their parents and are included inside the passport of the mother and/or
the father, one photograph for each children MUST be glued to the application form of the father or the mother,
depending on whom are they traveling with.
Please follow these instructions carefully. If the photograph presented do not meet these requirements your
application will be considered incomplete.
Minimum of 12 to 15 days are required for processing your visa applications. Some
applications may take longer to get processed.
Visas can only be processed once all supporting documents have been received!
Please note:
- Visa applications will be rejected if application forms are not fully completed
and signed and are not accompanied by the required documents.
- The possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the
territory of the Schengen State. Should the Schengen State’s border authority
refuse entry, no claim to refund of the visa can be submitted.
- The Schengen State’s Consular Offices reserve the right to request further
documentation should it be deemed necessary.
- For organized groups arrangements should be made well in advance with relevant
issuing authority.
- There is no guarantee that a visa will be issued and no rights can be derived
from the information obtained in the general Schengen visa requirements
- Visa processing fees are non-refundable if a visa is rejected.
- The border police at your arrival in the Schengen area may request the
presentation of sufficient funds, a letter of invitation, hotel reservation and
proof of medical insurance. Failure to present said funds/documents may result
in entry being refused.
- Delays and procedure: It is the responsibility of the applicant to be aware of
delays and requirements for the issuance of visas, before making travel
arrangements and applying for a visa.
Please note that all applications are processed individually. The
Visa Officer may invite you for an interview or request further documentation or
information, which can prolong the processing time.